Added more scences to act 1 and act 2 of the inquisitional story

Left to do:
- add more description to person register
- add more scenes for the crime storyline
This commit is contained in:
Git McGitty 2021-04-02 18:14:57 +02:00
parent 87b97803bc
commit 2f4894e8fe
4 changed files with 150 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ His entourage arrives in the city and witnesses the all day live of the people.
### Contact with secular forces
Then the Inquistor is establishing formal connection with the authority (the mayor and the city council).
-> The mayor and the city council waits at the end of the bridge for the whole group with the scribe Anthonye Sheffeld.
|-> The mayor assigns the scribe to work for the inquisitor -> he accepts the gift as good will
-> The mayor and the city council waits at the end of the bridge for the whole group with the scribe Anthonye Sheffeld(P18).
|-> The mayor assigns the scribe(P18) to work for the inquisitor -> he accepts the gift as good will
-> Other council members introduce themself
-> Last to introduce himself is Jacob Vass (the catholic priest)
@ -28,22 +28,34 @@ On the steps of the church the Inquisitor begins his speech while a crowd gather
### Office of Inquisitor
The inquisitor is pleased with the results and asks the group to stay in the tavern for now till he needs them.
The scribe Anthonye Sheffeld writes a protocol of what happens.
The scribe Anthonye Sheffeld writes a protocol of what happens. The inqusitor sets up his office in the local scribe office of the town.
The players go to the tavern
### The tavern
The tavern looks like pub. Wooden tables with laughing and drinking folk around the room.
Music plays in the background. The group needs to eat and drink. The maid gives them their room keys.
There are people playing cards.
Music plays in the background.(Play medieval music) The group needs to eat and drink. The maid gives them their room keys.
There are people playing cards. Some people drink alone.
### The next morning
The group enjoys a breakfest as a young boy comes to them. The frighten boy informs the group that there was a murder at the inquisitional office. The Inquisitor awaits the group infront of his office. The crime scene is a mess. The victim is
ANTHONYE SHEFFELD. Everywhere are books on the ground. The victim was beaten to death. He has a head wound.
The group enjoys a breakfest as a young boy comes to them. The frighten boy informs the group that there was a murder at the inquisitional office. The Inquisitor awaits the group infront of his office. The victim is
The crime scene:
The victim lies in a pool of blood. He has some bruises on his hands a serious head wound.
The room is barren. On the floor lies a golden cross (unusal for a scribe to have) and some documents with paper.
The documents are everywhere scuffeld around the room. On the scribes table are still documents. One of them a LETTER FROM THE LOCAL TAVERN OWNER about a shipment of BEER that never arrived the bar.
There is a broom laying to the wall. There is small chest(brown hair of P11 and silver coins) on a commode and a bleak window. Two candles are spending some light for the room. In the shelf are several books. On the ground lies ANTHONYE SHEFFELD(P18) with his head bashed in.
Around his head is a pool of blood.
The mayor and the sheriff arrives and the mayor is shocked by the sight of the murder.
The Inquisitor suspects protestants assassins and wants this investigation handled by the players.
The Inquisitor yells a bit too much...
The Inquisitor suspects protestants assassins and wants this investigation handled by the players.
The Sheriff seems to be more interested in the room and searches in the chest and looks through the books.
He shows no real interest on the body. The sheriff will react negativly on any question and will argue with the players to discourage them.

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@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
# Act 2
# Act 2: Investigations, Trades and Prayers
## Investigations, Trades and Prayers
## The Sheriff Gregory Benthey
He murdered Anthonye Sheffeld as he was creating countereit. He tried to get the book but instead hit the scribe a little to hard. He is now searching for the book.
@ -26,3 +23,70 @@
Has the book and hides with Jacob Vass
## Scenes
### The scribes workshop
The mayor will mention that the office is lead by Bertrand McGrath(P21) and as it is his house his wife Abbie McGrath(P11).
Both of them are waiting near the crime scene. Bertrand McGrath(P21) is agitated by the death of Anthonye Sheffeld(P18).
Bertrand McGrath(P21)
- the letter on the scribes table: one of the documents Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) copied for his side job
- the jewelry belongs to Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) and it is unknown to Bertrand McGrath(P21) where it comes from. He suspects a gift from a relative or a patron, never asked where it came from
- the hair in the box reminds him of his wifes hair color
- He knows where Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) lived in the city and gives the player the direction
Abbie McGrath(P11)
- asked about the crime scene she reveals that actually she found Anthonye Sheffeld(P18), she heard the sound of fighting
- she tried to get to the workshop but the door between the buildings were locked after retrieving the spare key and openening the door the fighting had stopped and the door of the street was open. She didn't see the killer.
- She believe Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) was up to something as he would work late into the night and meet with strangers
- She had an affair with Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) but does not want to disclose that in hearing range of Bertrand McGrath(P21). Can be persuadet with the brown hair, she got rejected by him after a while
- She questions the integrity of Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) often in the conversation because of his meetings with (Ruth Hegan P25)
- She tells with bitterness in hear voice that Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) met with a young woman(Ruth Hegan P25)
|-> She describes P25: dark hair, quite pretty face and sad eyes
|-> Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) never spoke of (Ruth Hegan P25)
### The scribes home
The house looks like an old tenement house cramped at the back of a narrow alley. The district is of poor quality.
#### Oswald Hutchinson(P23)
There is a householder Oswald Hutchinson(P23) of the scribes home near the entrance and will stop the group when they enter. The householder is interested in the group as they are part of the entourage of the inquisition. He asked them question on how they joined and if they cracked down on protestants.
He knows about the scribe and will tell the names of all three.
- Anthonye Sheffeld(P18), Ruth Hegan(P25) and Evans Hegan(P24)
- Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) lived together with Ruth Hegan(P25) and her husband
He will gladly point out the apartment to the group and will lead them to the apartment, there you will meet Evans Hegan(P24).
Asked about the family and Evans Hegan(P24)
- When asked about the family Oswald Hutchinson(P23) will mention that there were often loud quarrels between Evans Hegan(P24) and Ruth Hegan(P25) and that they struggled to pay the rent on time. He describes Evans Hegan(P24) as pathetic drunkard.
- Oswald Hutchinson(P23) points out that despite the payment problem Evans Hegan was able to obtain some fancy beer.
Asked about Anthonye Sheffeld(P18):
- Oswald mentions that Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) often payed the rent even though he was rarely sleeping in the apartment
- He also mentions that Evans Hegan(P24) had grudge against Anthonye Sheffeld(P18). The reason seemed to be about Ruth Hegan(P25)
Asked about Ruth Hegan(P25):
- she is currently not in the apartment
- she is the sister of Anthonye Sheffeld(P18)
- she works for Henry Barrit the Lord of Manor
#### Evans Hegan(P24)
Evans Hegan is in a hangover state and unfriendly to the group.
- he knows nothing about the fancy beers and tells the group: "He would never refuse a good drink".
- he knows nothing really
Asked about Anthonye Sheffeld(P18):
- he shows his dislike of the scribe openly and mocks his statue (he was a weakling)
- he had told the scibre that he was chasing the money to much
- he doesn't want to help
- he confesses that he had punched the scribe once or twice and that they had some arguments
- he didn't wanted his wife to leave the city with her brother.
- Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) wanted to leave the city with Ruth Hegan(P25).
- Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) told Evans Hegan he would not treat Ruth Hegan(P25) well, he disregards this as bullshit
- He did heavy handle her when he was drunk
- He thinks that his wife is still at work

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
### Look
### Charakter
## Anthonye Sheffeld
## Anthonye Sheffeld(P18)
- scribe for the mayor and the catholic priest Jacob Vass
- earns double the money with illegal contracts
- he creates counterfeits for people
@ -100,12 +100,35 @@
- silent person, keeping to himself
- is listening to authorities
## Ruth Sheffeld
## Ruth Hegan(P25)
- sister of Anthonye Sheffeld
- afraid of authorities as she wants to leave the city and go back to her village
- is working for the Lord of Manor Henry Barrit in his mansion
### Look
### Charakter
## Evans Hegan(P24)
- husband of Ruth Hegan
- often drunk
- low life who has to work hard to earn his money
### Look
### Charakter
## Bertrand McGrath(P21)
- husband of Abbie McGrath(P11)
- jealousy
- always worried about the workshop and new orders
### Look
### Charakter
## Oswald Hutchinson(P23)
- householder of the house were Anthonye Sheffeld, Ruth Hegan and Evans Hegan live
- the householder is a fan of the inquistion
- he is a catholic
### Look
### Charakter
## Henry Barrit
- Tries to claim land from the Earl Arthur Barrentyne with old scriptures
- these scriptures are counterfeits and were created by Anthonye Sheffeld

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