iAdded more storyline to act 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,5 +57,7 @@ The Inquisitor suspects protestants assassins and wants this investigation handl
The Sheriff seems to be more interested in the room and searches in the chest and looks through the books.
He shows no real interest on the body. The sheriff will react negativly on any question and will argue with the players to discourage them.
The group is told to report to the mayor, the sheriff or the inquisitor.
@ -90,3 +90,26 @@ Asked about Anthonye Sheffeld(P18):
- Anthonye Sheffeld(P18) told Evans Hegan he would not treat Ruth Hegan(P25) well, he disregards this as bullshit
- He did heavy handle her when he was drunk
- He thinks that his wife is still at work
##### Manor of Henry Barrit
The main entrance is blocked by the sheriff who is discussing the search for Ruth Hegan with the guards. They will make clear that nobody gets into the mansion. There are side entrances which lead to a garden where a servant is currently working on some flower bets. If asked about Ruth Hegan he will give up the bag of her belongings in which there is a protestant bible and tell them that Ruth was very much a recent converted protestant. He will tell them where to look for the protestant church. If they can convince him that they seek justice.
##### The protestant church
After entering the house the present protestants will grab everything they can and flee the building. Ruth Hegan will remain if the group can catch her or if they convince her that no harm will come to her. Ruth tells the group that she knows about the death of her brother. She tells how the sheriff came to her and tried to beat her to get information out of her about the book.
She tells the group either through force or trust that the book is hidden in the church of jacob Voss. In the church behind the angel near the podium.
Ruth can also tell about the jealous Workshop owner and the affair of her brother and the wife of the owner.
The GM can decide if jacob Vass has found the book.
The inquisitor will be with the mayor in his house.
##### The tavern in the afternoon
Evan Hegan is there been beaten up. The sheriff attacked him asking for the book.
The pub maiden could tell the group about the scribe getting side jobs here and that the Lord of manor gave him a job.
Also that the scribe worked together with the fishermen of Kaiden Hubbard and the thugs of the mayor in different jobs.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -148,12 +148,29 @@
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<mxCell id="42" value="Searches for the book&nbsp; the scribe created to give Lord Henry Barritt a claim about the Earls lands. The Sheriff overheard it in the tavern and tried to get it one time before" style="text;html=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;whiteSpace=wrap;rounded=0;" parent="1" vertex="1">
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