# The Kraken Tavern (Parts copied and/or rewritten from Frog God Games book Taverns 1) Most nights, one can find all manner of sailors in the dock-side pub known as The Kraken. This is a loud, seedy establishment catering to thelowest common denominator. Those who let their guard down during their visit quickly become the predator’s prey, while those who back their words with sufficiently impressive action get begrudgingly accepted into the pub’s violent, dog-eat-dog microcosm. On the surface, the place seems to be a smuggler’s outlet for stolen goods and property, with its owner, Elisbeth Talbot, leading the fencing ring. In truth, the Kraken is actually much more than it appears: It is home to a unit of elite seafarers dedicated to reaching the ocean’s farthest borders and the new land which spoken behind shaking hands. ## Dramatiis Personae The Kraken is owned and operated by Elisbeth Talbot, a capable ex-navy captain who, for all intents and appearances, runs a large fencing operation out of the pub’s third floor. She also lives on the third floor along with her twin daughters Emma and Erin Talbot. She frequently lets her mysterious and deadly friends — called the Sea Dogs by those in the know — stay there when they need a place. Three serving maids work in the pub’s common room, except during midweek when business is slow. ### Elisbeth Talbot In her youth, Elisbeth Talbot was the proverbial “terror of the high seas.” A merchant, a privateer, and pirate, Elisbeth is a keen negotiator, a savvy diplomat, and a skillful swordswoman. Every sailor worth his salt in this region knows her name. Those who do not soon regret the oversight, for in her pub — The Kraken — all manner of information can be obtained, and all manner of goods can be fenced through her copious contacts. #### Looks Standing just under 5 feet tall in her stocking feet, Elisbeth prefers to wear high-heeled, knee-high boots to give herself more stature and, by virtue, more authority. Her black hair, thick with natural curls, hangs down her back to her waist. Her eyes are brown. While not a beauty queen, she is certainly not uncomely, especially when compared to the courtesans working the common room each night (Elisbeth, at least, still has a full complement of teeth). She favors puffy silk shirts and tight, thigh-hugging pantaloons #### Background Captain for a long time hunting for pirates and english ships for a some time. ### Serving Maids Three girls work the common room, serving ale and other alcohol and the occasional bowl of taupe-colored fish stew. They are all local, having grown up on the docks, and are not strangers to the gruff, rough demeanor most sailors exhibit. Anyone whose hand strays is prone to having it pinned to the table with a razor-sharp dagger swiftly drawn from a girl’s bodice laces. The serving maids are savvy enough to know when the sailors are just being themselves and when they are really being lecherous, so most of the banter directed at the girls is tolerated, unless it comes from outlanders, obvious landlovers, or both. When business is slight, the girls often resort to heavy flirting, stroking the men’s egos to ply as many drinks from them as possible to earn greater tips. ### Possible Events The following list includes some interesting patrons and events to be found in The Kraken. Select one of the unique individuals to fill out the nightly clientele. Rumors can be sprinkled into conversations as needed. 1. A english men-at-arms stumbles into the tavern, his legs failing him as he falls into table after table, spilling drinks and annoying the other patrons. If helped, he says his name is Roysh Shaw and claims he was attacked by a group of ruffians at the dock. He asks for help stopping them, as they stole his money. Any characters who accompany him to docks find out the truth as he lures them into the trap span by his fellow gang of no goods. 2. An emaciated seaman dressed in dark leathers stands in the middle of the common room and announces loudly that this property now belongs to the infamous Gray Otter! He is met with gales of laughter from the sailors. They’ve all heard tales of the Gray Otter, but he’s mostly a mythical bogeyman used to scare the wee ones. Except the old sailor is indeed the first mate on the Gray Otter’s vessel, which even now is sliding into the harbor. Soon after, hordes of pirates burst into the bar, ready to stake their claim to the place. 3. An old sailor named Elijah sips at his whiskey but is eager to tell his story. He sailed with the famed Captain Melvilic (may he rest peacefully under the waves in the belly of the leviathan) and has many stories to share of the Razor Coast and even the Reaping Sea. 4. An assassin named Kareon Peaton is on the run, wrongfully blamed for the death of an Ornery family nobleman in Dunbar. She is a capable killer, but knows she is overmatched by the men searching for her. She is looking for protection, a thought that until now would never have been an option. But strange times make strange bedfellows, and she is willing to throw her lot in with any powerful enough to keep her alive (although she’ll dish out as good as she gets to anyone who comes after her). 4. The harbormaster comes to the tavern to confer with Elisbeth Talbot about the fencing of smuggled goods. Ten dock wardens — burly, bull-necked young men eager for a fight — accompany him. During his conversation with Elisbeth in the Crow’s Nest, a poisioned bolt materializes out of thin air and strikes the man dead. The chief dock warden, Gregor Zurdanov, orders the pub’s doors sealed. No one may leave until he and his nine thugs find the murderer. If this means cracking a few heads in the process, then they are more than happy to do so. Their primary suspects are Elisbeth and her friends. In truth, Gregor hired an assassin named Jarlene Burke to kill the harbormaster that night so he could pin the crime on Elisbeth, whom he absolutely detests, and inherit the job. He wants more than anything to shut down her operation and hang her cold, dead corpse from the gibbet outside. 5. Three men in scurry clothes enter the pub. They are asking for Elisabeth Talbot and after a brief conversation with her a not so small bag of gold is exchanged. You can see how the maids are setting up a table for the three man. After two of the men sit down on the empty table the third clears his throat: "Good evening Gentlemen, whoever want's to make a lot of gold! Come over to us and enlist in the Trade Co company!". The men sits down at the table where the his companions already set up a paper and some ink to write down the names. You do not know it yet but these people are searching for poor souls which to take with them on a dangerous journey into the new world. If you choose to enlist your reward will be paid after your journey as you may reach the new continent to fight, settle and most possible die for Queen and country. ### Rumors 1. “I hear tell of a monster livin’ under the old Bridge down on the water. Keep away from that ol’ bridge if ya wants to keep on livin’” 2. “Thieves are working the room tonight. I think one just took your gold.” 3. “Thar’s a bounty hunter in town lookin’ for someone looks just like you.” 4. “I seen the man runnin’ on the rooftops. He jumped … and then just kept going into the sky over the trees. He’s a demon, I tell ya!” 5. “I saw someone disappear down that well on the south side of town. Went right over the stone rim and vanished. I looked for them, but not even a ripple in the water that I could see.” 6. “You look an awful lot like someone who owes me gold.” 7. “Cold is coming, I can feel it in my bones. Gonna be a bad one. Cold so bad your spit’ll freeze on your lips.” 8. “I just came for the music, my friends. I just can’t get enough of it. Makes me want to dance!” 9. “If you pay for the round, I’ll tell you what you need to know. And a few things you won’t want to hear.” ### Ambience [Youtube Tavern Ambience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaX-2RMzVvQ) [Youtube Pirate Ambience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAR3x_q8dME) [Youtube Pirate2 Ambience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DA04L17i7w)