Session 2 The story starts with the crime scene in which our lovely Bernadette shoves the love gift of Abbie McGrath into the face of the mayor who for the time being slaps Bernadette as he thinks the hair is for him? The sheriff has his scene in which he searches the room but leaves without looking at the victim. The group has a hard time figuring out what they want to do. Lester and John go to the tavern to gather more information. Bernadette seeks out the help of a healer for Sheffeld. Bernadette encounters Gelik as he hunts a scottish soldier. The sub-plot is revealed and Gelik is recruited to help the scottish invasion. Bernadette helps him using her bow to keep the second soldier (Brook) in check. After that they go on their ways. Bernadette meets a trader in the street who is trying to sell her everything. He succeeds and sells a showt-bow to her and also some awful rotten cheese. She tries the bow and hammers a arrow in the adverts of an barber. She then leaves the trader and tries to get her hair cut. She tries to pay with the cheese but the barber is not fancy the cheese and passes out. The healer Millicent Hille appears seeing the ruckus from her house. In the meantime the duo Lester and John Farmer sit down in the Tavern and ask around about Anthonye Sheffeld. The owner tells about the side-jobs of the scribe. Coming back to Gelik who reached the house of Anthonye Sheffeld bribes a boy from the street to bring certain information to an meeting. Unfornuatly telling the boy not enough information. (He didn't tell the boy where he will be in the evening.) He then questions the whereabout of his sire but finds no clues and leaves. The End. They are bad at investigating a murder :D Session 3 Alex investigates the walls and finds a door in the wall Johanna speaks to the gardener and learns that the sister of the victim is a protestant Johanna and Lukas confront the sister in the church and get more information. After that the sister leaves the city Session 4 Daniel, Alex and Johanna fight in the cellar of the guardshouse. Alex gets wounded so does Daniel. The ring leader of a nature god believer sect, a young girl, is able to flee. She will be near the Harbour! They end up in the harbour. Searching for someone. Alex and Daniel approach a PUB to gather more information Johanna and Lukas end up in the Church of Jacob Vass. They read the book but what was inside again? -> Thebook contains billing and client information of the scribe. This also includes Lord Manor who contracted the scribe to falslfy claims onto land from the Earl. If this book will get to anyone like the Inquisitor or Edmonde Blacknall then the Lord of Manor is in trouble. hence the sheriff searching for that book. If they announce to the Jacob Vass that they have the book belonging to the sister of the scribe then they will shortly after that in trouble Intro Session 5: -> Adventurers reach the city berwick-upon-tweet in the late of the year. -> They witness the proclamation of the Inquisitor and help arresting accusted people -> Then the next day they are called to the freshly opened office of the inquisition to find the scribe dead -> They investigate and Bernadette tries to win over the mayor of the city with the love gift of another woman, this ends in a slap to the face -> The group does not discover the root of the evil and starts their investigation -> After some time running around the city and molesting people they find out that the dead man had a sister -> visiting the sisters apartment they find a drunk husband who disliked the scribe -> In the meantime Gelik finds a way to be a traitor and talks to the scotts but also fights them a bit -> The team finds each other and decide to investigate the Mansion where Ruth worked for her living -> They come across a guards house and supress a riot. -> The leader of a sect a little girl was able to flee, will the team be able to hunt her down to arrest her? -> Then the team split up again: while Bernadette and John Farmer found the sister and the book everyone is looking for the other two visited the harbour and are now infront of a pub for smugglers, pirates and up-to-no-goods. Session 5 Taverne Pit Fight: - Taverne Buch lesen und rausgefunden über Fälschungen - fallen nicht auf den Roysh Shaw rein - können Elisabeth Talbot nicht zu einem Handel überzeugen - willigen nicht zu einem Kampf ein - Fight Pit gegen Bernd und Zwillinge - Nachdem sie gegen dir drei gesiegt haben kommt ein Fettsack in den Ring. Der Ausgang is ungewiss. - richten die Nase von Husband von Ruth - Husband verrät das der Sheriff kein guter Mann ist - gehen zur Villa von Henry Barrit um ihn mit dem Buch zu konfrontieren - das Buch enthält Auftragsliste worunter auch der Name von Lord of Manor Henry Barrit ist - Reden mit dem Lord über den Tod des Schreibers - schicken die alte Magd fort um etwas zu trinken zu holen - schauen sich nicht im Haus um (finden keine weiteren Beweise) - Bleiben bis zum nächsten morgen und Benetta schläft während John Farmer auf Geräusche lauscht. -