```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ## On our way to the Mwamba Kelele Lodge
::right:: --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 06.43.12.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/QENP/2023-12-20 06.38.27.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 06.59.49.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 11.24.32.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 07.02.28.jpg transition: slide-up ``` ## In love with Kazam --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 07.02.15.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: default transition: slide-up ```
--- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 12.26.21.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image-right image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/photo_9_2024-02-04_15-06-03.jpg transition: slide-up ``` # Facts about Vanilla * Three years till a farmer can harvest the fruits of their larbor * There is a time window of 8 hours each year when the flowers of the vanilla plant opens and the farmers need to pollinate the plants. * Price per vanilla fruit: 10k UGX (2.41 €) * When the plants can be harvested they are guarded by armed people --- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right::
--- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right::
--- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right::
--- ```yaml layout: default transition: slide-up ```
--- ```yaml layout: image-right image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/photo_11_2024-02-04_15-06-03.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: default transition: slide-up ```
--- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-20 15.48.07.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-21 04.57.34.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/photo_15_2024-02-04_15-06-03.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right:: --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/2023-12-21 12.18.09.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right::
--- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/photo_5_2024-02-04_15-06-03.jpg transition: slide-up ``` --- ```yaml layout: two-cols-header transition: slide-up ``` ::left:: ::right:: --- ```yaml layout: image image: /pictures/Uganda/Kelele/photo_7_2024-02-04_15-06-03.jpg transition: slide-up ```